November - December 2001
Volume 7 Number 8


Art in Construction: A Lost Art? by Justin Davis
We see a lot of artless structures being built here. Yet, Austin is not an artless town. We have a great heritage of art in construction that we still can and do appreciate.

A Conversation with Charles Randolph by Elizabeth Stanard
After we talked a while in his bedroom/living room/painting studio, Charles invited me to peak in his closet/bathroom, where he stores all of his work.

Creative Research Laboratory by Theresa Reyes
An interview with Cynthia Camlin, director of Creative Research Laboratory.

An Interview with Deborah Roberts by Sara Reiss
Being a visual artist is important because if you have something to say, you should speak out, you should do it.
--Deborah Roberts

An Interview with Michael Ray Charles by Elizabeth Stanard
I think my work has been to me an exploration of black and African American representation by African Americans or by others. It has also taken me to a critical point of advertising and its use of caricature, representations of blacks or African Americans in the 19th Century, and how those images or concepts remain in the present, in terms of their place in 20th and 21st century advertising.
--Michael Ray Charles

An Interview with Tonya Engel by June Rhee
To say that I am only an African American artist would limit myself. I want to be limitless. I don't want to put myself in a corner or attach any labels to my art. I'm just an artist.
--Tonya Engel

Mockery of Patriotism poetry by David Davis Clayton

Mortality on the Half Shell poetry by Albert Huffstickler

Notes from the Woodshed by Paul Klemperer
The relationship between music and visual media: an interview with Graham Reynolds and Peter Stopschinski, leaders of the groups Golden Arm Trio and Brown Whornet.


Current Issue 
Performance Art 
Visual Arts 

cover image
cover art by Ricardo Acevedo


Reeling by J.K.
Do you still catch yourself doodling during life's most tedious moments? Chances are, if the answer is yes, you are recreating designs which have appeared for thousands of years: the spiral, the circle, the cross, and the star. Though ancient, these simple symbols continue to stream out of the human consciousness almost instinctively.

Section Eight by Daniel Davis Clayton
Let's ride, Baby! Foot on the gas means brakes are for suckers. Remember Red Light, Green Light? Here, the rules of the game are not maintained.

Verities by Elizabeth Stanard
My first encounter with high art was on my hands and knees.

Up All Night by Harold McMillan
I can't influence how George Bush responds and I can't anticipate -- and prevent -- the next act of terror. But you know what? I also can't anticipate the next time a drunk driver is going to go speeding down East 11th Street and kill herself and other innocent people.

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