February 1999
Volume 5 Number 1


The Blues Without You by Tony Pozeck
When people speak of the blues scene in Austin, they almost always discuss two names. The first is Stevie Ray Vaughan, his contribution attested to here in his hometown by a bronze likeness along Town Lake. The second is both a man and an institution. The person is Clifford Antone

The Cruise by Rachel Staggs
...a film that will enlighten the spirit and open the mind.

Notes from the Woodshed by Paul Klemperer
There is a mystical aspect of music that is shared by all cultures. It involves the idea that music expresses in the external world some kind of internal truth or power.

Redefining Revolution by Sandra Beckmeier
I'll Make Me a World is a fast-paced, energetic documentary, yet not at the expense of being sufficiently analytical. It provides a window into the struggles of individual artists, beginning as early as 1900, addressing significant issues like entertainment, jazz, minstrelsy, blackface, stereotype, "vernacular culture" folk art, exploitation/blaxploitation, hip hop, feminism/womanism, mainstream, pride, and revolution.

Riley's Blues poetry by Jeff Knight

Suzie Ibarra & Assif Tsahar Duo with Will Greenstreet: Saturday, January 1999 @ Off Center by Allyson Lipkin
There is an audience for underground music in Austin. We need to work together to build and strengthen this adventurous music community, most importantly by showing our support and encouraging our local musicians to play creatively.
-- P.G. Moreno of Ephistrophy

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Up All Night by Harold McMillan
T.D. Bell was Austin's elder statesman of blues guitar, the original electric blues man. T.D. died a couple of weeks ago. That puts him in the history books as a local legend.

Verities by Kelli Ford
I've spent the better part of my years -- okay, so the years aren't that numerous to date -- lookin' out for number one. You know, "What am I going to do when I reach that proverbial age that shoves me into the realm of 'grown up' responsibility?"

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