May 1997
Volume 3 Number 4


AMOA Hires New Director by Carolyn Hicok
I'm interested in art that makes a statement about something. I'm interested in artists who are in command of their materials.
-- Elizabeth Ferrer

The Autobiography of My Mother by Elizabeth Hayes
Kincaid struggles for a rhythm but never falls into a satisfying cadence. Although she hits some very good notes, she needs to stay with her characters and write a song.

Clarksville Jazz Festival Preview by Harold McMillan
From its humble beginnings in the parking lot behind Wiggy's Liquor store on West Sixth Street, the Jazz Fest has grown to be a true family oriented multidisciplnary arts fair featuring dance and spoken word performances, activities for kids, music workshops, art sales, and good things to eat and drink.

Local Government and the Arts by Manuel Gonzales
In the spirit of Austin's election season, Austin Downtown Arts decided to question our potential City Council members and our potential might-be Mayors and discover their views on the subject of the Arts and Downtown.

Musical Hero Returns to Austin by Gary Blanchard
Just before Van Cliburn won the first Tchaikovsky competition in 1958, the United States and the Soviet Union were locked in the protracted, tiresome endgame of World War II: the Cold War.

Current Issue 
Performance Art 
Visual Arts 

Up All Night by Harold McMillan
in something short of two and one-half weeks we put together, arguably, one of the best jazz shows to come through Austin this year.

Verities by Sandra Beckmeier
It's difficult to get through the rough spots on this journey I call life.

Woman poetry by Michele Walker

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