August 2001
Volume 7 Number 6


Adolph Gottlieb and the Blanton Museum of Art by Sean Denmark
When faced with abstract paintings, some viewers are content to dismiss minimalist works with an "I could do that."

Art Wars by Elizabeth Stanard
Historically, the Cultural Contracts Program has been under scrutiny over its mission, administration and requirements, most notably receiving criticism for prioritizing larger, more established arts organizations over smaller, emerging ones and individuals.

History Burps poetry by Thom the World Poet

Magnetism non-fiction by Justin Davis
Austin: you're too hot and congested. You're a nasty little polluted college town turned down a one-way dead-end alley named after a deceased poet.

Notes from the Woodshed by Paul Klemperer
The peculiar place of artists in the United States means we (the artists) are often both disgruntled and gruntled. Compared to other first, second and even third world countries our social position is often insecure. Governmental funding for the arts lies in priority somewhere below basic human services and sprinkler systems for the lawns abutting government buildings.

Section 8 non-fiction by Daniel Davis Clayton
My first official act, once moving to Austin, was acquiring a job. I was a fresh college graduate, full of energy, eager to work and experience the Austinite way of life. My search became two and a half weeks of street-pounding hell.

Untitled poetry by Saundra Fleming

Up All Night by Harold McMillan
Austinites do not pay for public art funding in Austin. There is no "arts tax" built into our tax bills. Funding for public arts in Austin comes from a tax levied on hotel occupancy. Tourists and conventioners pay the City's share of funding for the Symphony, the Ballet and DiverseArts.

Verities by Ricardo Acevedo
American artists do not need a ministry of culture. Our writers and painters and dramatists and musicians have flourished when government has ignored them.

Current Issue 
Performance Art 
Visual Arts 

cover: fighting for crumbs
cover art by Ricardo Acevedo

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