November 1998
Volume 4 Number 9


Austin Homeless Musicians Guild by Allyson Lipkin
We are the artists, where is our stuff? So we started to try and find basic art and music supplies and volunteers
-- Charles McMurry

Children of Abraham:
Faces of the Middle East
by Grace McEvoy
A look at a list of the things Alan Pogue has chosen to photograph over the years could leave the impression that he is a man who goes looking for the worst humanity has to offer.

International Drum and Percussion Festival by Michael Glazner
Exposing people to unique and diverse forms of music and harmony through music is the mission of Cosmic Intuition.

It's All About the People: Why a Down-home B-B-Q Joint Is a Player in the Nonprofit Arts Scene by Kelli Ford
This article is not a restaurant review. It is to recognize and give appreciation to some of the people in this city who do more than their share to make sure the rest of us can stop in at an art exhibit on Sunday, catch some world-class musicians creating sounds, or any of many other activities we tend to take for granted.

Current Issue 
Performance Art 
Visual Arts 

Joshua Redman's Favorite Things by Christopher Hess
Joshua Redman has cultivated himself as a reluctant young lion, capable but somewhat hesitant to roar.

Marsha A. Gomez by Anoa Monsho
Facts are infused with and at the same time transcended by that force of nature we loved as Marsha.

The Spiritual Side of Jazz by Paul Klemperer
Popular music is geared toward entertainment, often as dance music, whereas art music is assumed to address deeper or more refined areas of the soul. For decades, however, jazz confounded this difference.

Verities by Brian Yannish
It wasn't very large or threatening, maybe 15 inches across and not more than 7 or 8 pounds. But its power was unassuming.

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