November 1997
Volume 3 Number 9


Ah, Fat! by Manuel Gonzales
The sum of two is in no way greater, and is sometimes far inferior, to the individual parts themselves.

Duke's Place fiction by Manuel Gonzales

Founding a Film Community: The Austin Cinemakers Cooperative by Courtenay Nearburg
The line at the box office snaked its way around the block, for what was a sold out show for local Super 8 filmmakers who contributed works for the evening's entertainment.

I'll Be Home for Kwanzaa by Christopher Hess
Traveling through the Earth's troposphere is a jetstream through which moves a constant supply of cashflow. Some have greater access to it than others, but it is there for all to use if you know how to get it.

Meeting the Mad King by Christopher Keimling
When I was a child, I had seen some of his castles in Germany. He spent so much money on them that his own court declared him unfit to rule, fearing that he would bankrupt the royal treasury.

Up All Night by Harold McMillan
My dad's cohorts could choose to just stay out of school and work. But it didn't work the other way around. The kids who wanted to go to school, get educated, get some book-learnin', still had to work.

Current Issue 
Performance Art 
Visual Arts 

Verities by Christopher Hess
Occasionally, there is a need to re-align the poles in this symbiotic relationship that keeps us all in the business and keeps the monster that is American Pop Culture fat and happy and growing -- ever growing.

White's Black Blues poetry by Daniel Clayton

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