March 1997
Volume 3 Number 2


Blues Joint Effort by Christopher Hess
Blues records do make money, but it takes a while.

We Came, We Saw, We Were Overwhelmed: FronteraFest '97 by Courtenay Nearburg
What does one say about five weeks of continuous theatre?

Art Pioneer: Laurie Carlos by Courtenay Nearburg
Laurie Carlos is not a star. She is not famous, but her work is.

Pretty Eye Candy by Marlo Bennett
Given how interwoven the musicians in Austin's famed scene are (one band gives birth to two side projects, which in turn give birth to a couple more...and it never ends), it seems inevitable that they'll spill over into other artistic forms as well.

Rust in My Burger by Manuel Gonzales
Ah, Dirty Martin's. There is no finer establishment in which to speak of philosophy, religion, great literature, and art.

Up All Night by Harold McMillan
Can we talk about race without talking about culture? Can we talk about culture without talking about race? Can we talk about the artistic/cultural/political climate in Austin without talking about money?

Current Issue 
Performance Art 
Visual Arts 

Verities by Marlo Bennett
One of the creepiest things to see is a sunbeam piercing a sky that's almost black with rain clouds. It's beautiful, too, of course.

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