September 1996
Volume 2 Number 7


Do This Once In Your Life by Freddie Mendoza
Give Dr. Keith Winking and Dr. James Polk a cigar. They somehow convinced Southwest Texas State University to send their top jazz combo to the two largest jazz festivals in the world.

From the Couch by Sandra Beckmeier
If you've ever spent time wondering aimlessly around heavily populated urban areas you've already experienced the vibe that is the lifeline of street culture.

REEL Women by Jenna Colley
I had found a group that made sense. A group of women who were searching, and striving for the same things: to produce, write, direct, film, act, and watch movies; a group where women could come together -- void of all pretentious bullshit and get things done.

Song of the Widow Spider poetry by Dennis Ciscel

True Confessions by Jonathan Woytek
So maybe Ginsberg to Jerry Springer is a stretch, but hey, it's the worst case scenario. The best case scenario would be Dennis Ciscel and his second collection of poems called Patting The Air.

Up All Night by Harold McMillan
While I was listening to Jason and Delfayo Marsalis and their superb young rhythm section and soloists, I could not help but think about the culture of New Orleans, the promise of this new music conference, and the music scene back home in Austin.

Current Issue 
Performance Art 
Visual Arts 

Verities by Christopher Hess
Not only are a few friends moving away, but also a bunch of the bands that I always made an effort to see. That's a lot to lose in a weekend. Red Scare, Kiki Debris, Sick Little Monkey, LV Rackle, these are a few of the casualties in the war for local music. Now they're in New York, the brutal land of musical sink or swim.

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