August 1996
Volume 2 Number 6


Camp Industry: Thus Spake Zarathustra fiction by Frank Giovinavvi

A Great Man of Film by K. Marie Black
Ruta Wakening proves to be quite a maiden voyage. A montage of sorts, it chronicles six mostly turbulent relationships with Austin's way-cool 4th and Lavaca Street area as its backdrop.

Hip De' Bee Bop...Where Do We Go From Here? by Carl Settles
Why are younger people in America so angry?

How I Spent My Summer by K. Marie Black
Imagine yourself in a 6' x 8' cell. The cell contains a bed, a chair, a basin, and a toilet. Soon, you will be moved from this cell to another one like it, a cell closer to your final destination, sanctioned by the majority of the United States' 200 million plus inhabitants and its government.

preacherman poetry by Sandra Beckmeier

Tales From the Badlands by Jonathan Woytek
Of Border Crossings, a reviewer for the New York Times called the book " example of how much lingering power there is in straight-forward historical fiction."

Current Issue 
Performance Art 
Visual Arts 

Texas Film Festivals by Jenna Colley
You are holding in your hand a script like no other. It has witty yet provocative dialogue, originality, action, love, comedy, and a political slant. It is a written testament to all things good about film. Now that that this has been established, what is your next step?

Up All Night by Harold McMillan
Ghost stories are just another way that our departed friends find eternal life with each retelling.

Verities by Alissa Winterheimer
Writers write out of necessity. I've never seen a bumper sticker that says, "I'd rather be writing."

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